Be grateful

Today ! 16 JAN 2018 result was released for september 2017 semester ! The reasons I am writting this is to motivate myself to be grateful. For your information this semester I manage to score GPA 3.15. I actually blessed with this result because i actually cannot answer final very well. Hence, of course I am a bit upset because my CGPA was down quite high ! 3.63--->3.54-->3.41 !! Anyways, regardless of any achievement i made for previous semester i will accept it with an open heart so that I can move on to the next chapter of my life. For this fourth semester, I am doing my best, InsyaAllah. So guys, the important messages i want to give to myself and anyone who reads my blog is to always think positive in everything you did and every decisions you made. This is because you have never knew whats your failure now will lead you to :). BUT please remember, everything happens for reasons. So based on my muhasabah and all things i think for what i did last semester, they actually have some reasons why i be like that. The first things that i can conclude is KEBERKATAN. Last sem i actually study a lots like my previous semester, but the different things is i always sleep in the class. Sometimes i didnt concentrate much in class and i did complain a lot. I always late to class and sometimes i even slept a lot in class. So i think this is the things that change me. I hope I can change myself to be a better version of me . PRAY for me guys . Hence now is already JANUARY and yesterday, the new semester already begin. I hope i can help myself a lot to be the best part of me and to be more hardworking person. To be more matured, more understanding, more faithful and be always kind and grateful person . guys !! i did have somethings to share to you guys about the things that we always forget to ask . Recently, I ada dengar satu ceramah from ustaz  which he remind us to always ask Allah to give us this ....

      1.Rasa takut yg dapat menghalang daripada membuat kemungkaran kpd Allah s.w.t
      2. Ilham taufik dalam beramal &ketaatan yang membawa ke syurga Allah 
      3.Keyakinan kpd Allah s.w.t yg meringankan ape sahaja musibah yg menimpa dirinya dalam                 hal-hal keduniaan.

So here , i ended my blog with a quotes :

Image result for rise up quotes

Image result for rise up quotesImage result for rise up quotesImage result for rise up quotes

Best Regards,

gadisIstiqamah ⧫


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