
Image result for allah will not burden you
Smile :)
Image result for allah will not burden you      


There was a time when i feel very bad about myself and i downgrade myself too much. Despite the fact that i know this thing is not good for me , im still feel like this because this is what i actually feel. i really hope that someone could pat on my back and say everything was fine but i choose not to tell everyone because i know that at the end of the day i will always depend on myself. Somehow this thing help us  to  reflect back on what we did that make us feel like this. Actually, it was not because  of i dont appreciate myself but it was the emotion that controlled me and i was stuck between myself. so, by writing this i actualy want to motivate myself back o be a better me. Dearself, u are good. everything will be okay . you will be fine. trust yourself. REMEMBER!!! Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear... (Qur'an, 2:286).  Cheer up ! better days are coming . BTW, to whoever that reads this blog and if u might feel this way too please remember this word!! trust yourself,be grateful and have faith. May Allah keep us stronger !

Image result for allah will not burden you
There always be sunshine after the rain :)


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